Saturday, June 7, 2014

June 7, 2014. Spearfish, South Dakota.

You never know what you might stumble upon....

D C Booth Historic National Fish Hatchery Museum

While looking for the Spearfish City Campground today, we came upon the DC Booth Historic National Fish Hatchery, which was established in 1896.  While there we toured a replica of a "fish car", which was used to transport fish across the country from hatcheries on the east coast to rivers and streams on the west coast.  The first rail shipment was made around 1874 and continued for another 66 years.

Fish Car #3

Home of D C Booth and succeeding superintendents

We were also given a tour of the former home of the first superintendent by a volunteer from Texas.  It was a gorgeous home- I could definitely live there - or at least be a volunteer.  

Unfortunately, this hatchery along with several others is on a list of possible closures.  I am so glad that we happened upon it today and hope to have the opportunity to visit it again in the future!

More pics from Spearfish...

Spearfish City Campground