Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Anasazi and Cliff Dwellings

We learned lots of interesting information about the ancient pueblos and the Indians who lived in them this week. Visits to the Anasazi Heritage Center, Lowry Ruins and Mesa Verde National Park to see the dwellings and many artifacts, left us wanting to know so much more about these ancient people that lived here more than 700 years ago!  These sites were definitely worth a visit!

Just a word to the wise....before deciding which dwelling to visit at Mesa Verde, be sure to find out how much climbing  is involved.  If we had visited Cliff Palace, I would probably still be stuck on the 100 feet of ladders that must be climbed to exit!!!!  It could have been even worse, if we had chosen Balcony House, which included "climbing through a 12 foot long tunnel and climbing up a 60 foot open cliff face with stone steps and two 10 foot ladders to exit".   Whew!

View of Spruce Tree House from trail

Spruce Tree House

I look like Gulliver in the Land of the Lilliputians!

Gorgeous day- gorgeous sky!

On our way into the park, this mother bear and her two cubs crossed the road in front of our truck.